mayonnaise recipe


1 egg yolk
3 tablespoons cooking oil
1 rounded tablespoon mustard
dash of salt
dash of pepper
dash of basil
pinch of cayenne or paprika or both
smidgen of curry
smidgen of ginger
dash of thyme
a few drops of lime juice, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
a few shakes of worcestershire sauce


Add all of the ingredients except for the oil to a mixing bowl.
Mix the ingredients, then slowly add the oil a little at a time,
and mix it in as you go.


1. For the spices, add to taste and based on what is available.
2. For the mustard, a good quality is much better. I use Inglehoffer Full Strength.
3. This recipe is good for potato salad, cole slaw, crabcakes and other things.
4. This is enough for potato salad made with 2 large red potatoes, or 3 to 4 small ones.
5. This is enough for four 1 oz. crabcakes.
6. For crabcakes you may want to use a bit more cayenne for flavor.